Large Group Learning
Every third Sunday of the month we will gather at Crossroads Lutheran Church to intentionally build a healthy spiritual community. Within this community our students will explore new ideas of faith, engage in group building with their peers, and break bread together.
Two service events each year (one in the fall and one in the spring) will be coordinated and implemented by a partner congregation. This will bring youth and families into another faith community they wouldn't otherwise be a part of. It's a great way to meet new friends and dream up new ways we can live into our mission of sharing love.
This is a conference wide program, so we need congregations on our team! We are asking that participating congregations provide ways for their students to be a direct part of the ministry. We are teaching young people how to live into their faith-let's show them how it is done!
Our Curriculum
We will be using Here We Stand from Augsburg Fortress. Our program is two years long. One year will be focused on Luther’s Catechism, and the second on scripture. The program is intended for 7th and 8th graders.
If you have an exceptional circumstance, please call me: 716-713-2144
Confirmation Registration
In order to have the the smoothest experience possible for our students please fill out our online registration form by clicking the button below. You will immediately receive a follow up email with payment instructions, and a printable information form with all of the info you need.